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Vitamin B12 Injections                   £25

The Must have Treatment Taking the UK By Storm! Loved By Celebs & Sports Personalities! Vitamin Injections Give You a Safe High Dose Boost Of Essential Vitamins


Do you suffer from 2 or more of the symptoms below? If so you are more than likely lacking in Vitamin B12. Our carefully selected high grade Vitamin B12 Injections can help manage your symptoms:

Feeling Tired/Fatigue, Memory Loss, Mood Changes, Numbness & Tingling in Arms or Legs, Poor Metabolism, Insomnia, Dry Skin, Blurred Vision, Brittle Nails, Weak Hair, Sore Mouth or Tongue, Irritability, Poor Sports Performance, Infertility, Muscle Aches & Joint Pains​

Benefits of B12 Injections: 

Helps reduce depression, cognitive decline dementia, prevents depression, restores mood, retains memory function & mental function, lowers fatigue, treats anaemia, produces creatine in the muscles (beneficial for building body mass and sports performance), reduces muscle weakness & joint pain, protects the heart, prevents heart attacks, stroke & coronary heart disease, improves low sperm count, supports the immune system, helps the body process carbs, helps the body make red blood cells (especially important for Women), is critical in making ATP which is the basic unit of energy for the body, helps breakdown alcohol (ideal before a heavy weekend!)

A course of 4 months with injections every 2 weeks initially is recommended to boost the B12 levels, thereafter once a month injections will maintain high B12 levels in the body.

What levels should my B12 be? The NHS 'normal levels' are between 200-900 as you can see there is a huge difference in the lower to higher ranges, if your levels are closer to the 200 range you will feel unwell however the Doctors will not prescribe unless your levels dip well below 200.


Vitamin C Injections                          £20

Feeling run down? Immune System need a Boost? 

Vitamin C Injections deliver pure vitamin C directly into the bloodstream via an intramuscular (IM) injection. Regular Vitamin C Injections can enhance physical wellbeing and prevent the onset of illness. This is because vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that improves the condition of the skin and protects the body against the effects of harmful agents. These exist both internally and externally and can negatively affect metabolic processes, leading to tiredness and fatigue.
What are Vitamin C Injections and how do they work? 
As Vitamin C is known for its positive impact on pigmentation, energy levels, free radicals, allergy resistance, and specific health conditions, its treatment indications are wide-reaching. This makes our vitamin C injection a popular vitamin nutrient therapy choice, alongside the fact it can easily be combined with our other Vitamin Injections 2-4 weekly injections recommended
How Vitamin C Benefits Your Skin
Defends against free radicals. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant which boosts collagen production. Vitamin C is a key component in stabilising and creating collagen; making it as one of the most reliable anti-ageing treatments available it also reduces pigmentation


Biotin Injections                           £15
(also known as vitamin B7 or H)
Want long healthy hair? What about long eyelashes? Or healthy Skin?

Try our Biotin injections! Biotin is the main Vitamin required for healthy hair, nails and skin. Biotin has lots of other benefits as well. Biotin boosts the metabolism, helps maintain healthy muscle tissue, as well as heart and blood sugar function 2-4 weekly injections recommended

**For hair loss combine monthly Biotin injections which stimulates hair growth from within the hair follicle with medical Microneedling to stimulate hair growth at the follicle root!



Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I not just take a Vitamin Pill? There are many different types of Vitamin pill on the market the problem with pill form is that it does not absorb properly through the stomach as the stomach acid kills the majority of the vitamins within the pill.


Does it Hurt? The thought maybe scary but the procedure is very fast and virtually pain free, although as in the injection is inter muscular you may feel slight muscle ache for around 10 mins


What type of results will I see? Most people notice immediately a boost in their energy levels and overall wellbeing. if your starting levels were very low it may take a few weeks to feel the benefit


Is it safe? Very, the dose we use is who where near enough to cause any form, of overdose


Can I not just buy some online? Please NO!!! There are several variations available online however the majority or the un regulated cheap versions contain cyanide so please, for your own safety do not purchase from an online retailer











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